MLOps Projects

a diagram of AWS SageMaker pipelines
a diagram of AWS SageMaker pipelines
Insurance Costs Prediction

Created a predictive model for Insurance Costs Prediction, implementing EDA and Tensorflow regression model with hyperparameter tuning to optimize metrics. Utilized Comet for model tracking, several model registry and deployment pipelines and data/model quality monitoring. Implemented CI/CD pipelines for seamless integration and deployment on AWS

a diagram of a AWS deployment pipeline
a diagram of a AWS deployment pipeline
Stroke Prediction

Implemented a classification model for Stroke Prediction, integrating EDA and implementing an XGBoost model with threshold-moving for improved prediction of the minority class. Tracked the experiments in Comet ML, and served the model on Flask, using Docker for containerization. The model was deployed and registered on AWS, using conditional regitry (RO-AUC Threshold)

a photo of a taxi
a photo of a taxi
Taxi Rides Prediction

Implemented a predictive model for Taxi Rides Prediction, integrating EDA and implementing a neural network model with multiple dense layers and batch normalization for enhanced performance. Leveraged Prefect for workflow management, FastAPI for API integration, Docker for containerization, and deployed the solution on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

a photo of a cassette
a photo of a cassette
Music Clustering

Developed a end-to-end project for clustering a Spotify music dataset, integrating EDA, KMeans, and PCA. Utilized FastAPI for API development, Docker for containerization, implemented CI/CD pipelines, and deployed the solution on AWS, creating additionally an interactive Streamlit app

a photo of an Streamlit app
a photo of an Streamlit app
Food Prediction

Implemented a predictive model for Food Prediction, integrating EDA and a neural network transfer learning model with multiple dense layers and augmenation for enhanced performance. Leveraged FastAPI for API integration, Docker for containerization, and deployed the solution on Google Cloud Platform, creating additionally an interactive Streamlit app

a photo of a bird
a photo of a bird
Birds Classification

Developed a Computer Vision project, leveraging PyTorch EfficientNet models for enhanced accuracy. Extended the project to include deployment in Gradio

a photo of money and car
a photo of money and car
Car Price Prediction

Created a predictive model for Car Price Prediction, implementing EDA and diverse regression models with hyperparameter tuning to optimize performance and accuracy. Utilized MLFlow for model tracking, Prefect for workflow management, Flask for API development, Docker for containerization, Grafana for monitoring, and Terraform for infrastructure provisioning. Implemented CI/CD pipelines for seamless integration and deployment on AWS

Credit Default Prediction

Implemented a predictive model for Credit Default Prediction, using LightGBM for model training, MLflow for experiment tracking, model registry and data/model quality monitoring. Implemented CI/CD pipelines for seamless integration and deployment using Databricks.